I was a late convert of Esquire Magazine. I have always wanted to buy (and collect) this magazine since their maiden issue with Manny Pacquiao on the cover but I can't manage (financial-wise) to maintain more than one magazine subscription. You see, I was a huge PULP Magazine collector then but things changed since their magazine turned into an Avon magazine-brochure (But that's another issue. Let's not go to that awful story).
But things started to change when they featured Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile last year. You see, sans the issues surrounding the old man, I am a huge fan of the Pinoy Palapatine. And when they featured him on the December-January issue last 2012-2013, it was a no-brainer that I buy it. I found the magazine classy, substantial, and educational so I dumped my old collection and on that moment, my relationship with the magazine began.
I have learned a lot about life, trends, culture, politics, literature, and social issues since I started reading and collecting Esquire. It is not your usual bikini-clad, sex talk-filled, AB Market-catering magazine. It has substance. It has sense. For me, this is the magazine.
As of writing, they have just previously released their March issue featuring the 90's It Girl Mai Mai Cojuangco. And the new issue reminded me of something 'crazy' that I did last month, something that I forgot to blog, and something that I will forever cherish.
Last month's Art issue of Esquire Magazine features a 'back portrait' of John Lloyd Cruz. Most people do not know this 'other side' of John Lloyd - that he is a huge collector of local artworks and that his house is a mino-art gallety of sort. Personally, being an occasional artsy-fartsy that I am, I was also surprised that this A-list actor has a different persona away from the lights and glamour of show business.
I am not a die-hard John Lloyd fan. I haven't watched all of his movies. I am just that regular viewer who watches him on TV every time I have the chance to do so. (Though I admit I am a huge fan of 'Rovic and Eds' - his loveteam with Kaye Abad during their Tabing Ilog days.) But John Lloyd Cruz, being the epitome of guwapong-lalake-pero-walang-6-pack-abs, is the inspiration of my 'alter ego'.
I am a high school teacher and my students fondly call me "Sir John Lloyd". It started when I declared myself as a John Lloyd look-a-like. And whenever they tag me photos on Facebook, I would always comment '#TeamJohnLloyd' - indicating my self-proclaimed resemblance with John Lloud Cruz. I even went into putting John Lloyd Cruz's photo in my test papers with an 'inspirational quote' (basically quotes from his movies) from the great man. (I am telling you, I am one hell of a crazy teacher. Haha!)
So when Esquire featured John Lloyd Cruz (again, having graced the cover before on their The State of Man issue) on the cover of their Art Issue, I decided to do something crazy. Just for fun, I told myself, something to 'cement' my claim that I look like John Lloyd Cruz.
With the helped of my siblings, I made a 'back portrait', imitating John Lloyd's pose on the unique cover. I started sharing it on my social media accounts - Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram - for the purpose of bringing a smile to people's, especially my students', faces.
And then the unexpected happen. The official Twitter account of Esquire Philippines tweeted my picture with the caption "When Life imitates art. An Esquire reader does his own version of the February cover"

And then it snowballed. They also featured it on their official Facebook page:

After the photo was posted, I was bombarded by messages and reactions from my friends, praising, laughing, and basically astounded by my crazy antic - and its unexpected aftermath. Being a man contented with third world cyber joys, I was so elated when the Esquire did this. I even joked that this may be the key on finally meeting John Lloyd Cruz. And fist-bumping and bro-hugging him if possible.
I slept that night with a smile on my face. Seriously. Tangina John Lloyd Cruz yan eh! Sorry, I just have to let that out.
Sans this '15 minutes of Cyber Fame', I would like to express my admiration and gratitude to Esquire Philippines not for featuring my photo on their social media accounts but for providing readers with features and articles with substance. I wish longevity and more success for this badass magazine. I can't wait to grab myself and read the latest issue.
And oh, Esquire Philippines, I am dead serious about meeting John Lloyd Cruz. It will be my greatest joy if this would see the light of reality.
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